Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Out of Control!!!

I'm doing this for those of you who know how much I love my house to be clean. Did a tornado hit...EVERY ROOM?
It was clean on Sunday when we went to bed. That's all I know.

Yep, that's my room. Nice.

I'm not sure where to start with this one.

When the trash is don't empty it. No way. You start piling trash on the counter.
What have I been thinking all these years?
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Poor baby

Sammy fell and got a bloody nose.

Kind of gross (sorry) - he was tough though.

This picture makes me laugh and feel sorry for him at the same time.
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So funny...

Maybe you had to be there, but at the time it was hilarious. We were sitting in the living room when Kinsee came down a few steps in her batllet suit...then Kenna came down in gymnastics suit....and then...

Sammy rounded the corner half naked (no diaper)...he had tried to put on a ballet suit like the girls,
but it wasn't working out so well for him.

And Daniel??? We are not sure what he was doing.
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Only in Wyoming

It was such a beautiful day that the kids were outside without jackets...even with all the snow on the ground.

They spent most of the afternoon outside---so much fun since we've been cooped up in the freezing cold!

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